

The Best Gifts for Summer Lovers

Woman in a red bathing suit with her hands across her chest and ready to go down a water slide.

We all know someone who loves summer and counts down the days until its arrival. Someone who thrives off of pool days, beach vacations, and soaking in the rays. We here at Splashway share that love of sun. Afterall, what’s better than the sweet smell of sunscreen and a good splash in the waves? But no sun-filled summer day is complete without the right accessories. Here are some top gift ideas for the special sun lovers in your life!

Swimwear – Few things are more exciting than wearing a new bathing suit on your first summer adventure. Help your loved one strut their stuff on your next family vacation with a new suit!

Sunglasses – An air of mystery, cute and classic, or cool and sporty. Sunglasses are the ultimate summer accessory, especially during a Texas summer. Not to mention, polarized glasses provide much needed UV protection for your eyes.

Flip Flops – But not just any flip flops, comfortable ones (trust us, the recipient will thank you). Too many times have we been fooled by cute looking summer footwear only to suffer miserably after just a few hours. Comfy flip-flops take you from beach to ice cream, to water park, and more!

Insulated Cups – Funky colors, monograms, engravings, the personalization options are endless! This is a gift that can be used year ‘round, but particularly helpful to keep things cool in summer months. Pick one up in our gift shop on your next visit, you’ll never use another cup again.

Sunscreen – A practical gift, but a much needed one for summertime. It’s easy to brush a sunburn off with an “oops” but the long-term consequences can wind up being more serious than just that. Keep your loved ones safe with a bottle of broad-spectrum SPF 30 or more. With all the scents and options available, it becomes less of a chore and more fun to wear. There are now glitter variations available for those who like that extra bit of pizazz!

Waterproof Cell Phone Case – Whether for Snapchat, Instagram, or just capturing new summer memories – our phones often double as our cameras. Protect their most prized possession with a waterproof cell phone case so, they can stay connected without worries.

Personalized Family T-Shirts – Know a big family that spends every summer weekend visiting all the waterpark resorts in Texas? Get them a personalized set of family t-shirts! Not only do they make for great cover-ups, but they double as an identifying marker when you’ve got multiple kids running around in large crowds.

Season Pass –  The gift that keeps on giving, a season pass to the best waterpark in Texas – Splashway! You’ll be handing them an endless summer vacation. Now, who could possibly top that gift?

See all you sun lovers this Summer at Splashway!