BBQ Cook-Off
Information & Registration
Our MLK BBQ Cook-Off is exclusive to our campground guests. Please book your reservation prior to registering for our cook-off.
Enter any or all categories for $30 each. Registration is available online now but you are also welcome to register for your selected categories on-site up until the day of the event. Contestants can register and cook for all categories but may only submit one entry for judging per category.
Rules & Details
- Your designated cooking space will be your campsite. If your cooking rig requires additional space, please contact the Splashway Events Team at prior to arrival and we’ll be happy to accommodate you.
- Your registration and entry fee must be paid in full before or upon check-in at the Camp Store. Online registration is available now.
- BBQ Pit Regulations
- Any commercial or homemade, trailered, or un-trailered pit or smoker normally used for competitive barbecue is allowed. A BBQ Pit may include gas or electricity for starting the combustion of wood or wood products but NOT to complete cooking. Pellet cookers and electrical accessories, such as spits, augers or force drafts, are permitted.
- The use of heat lamps, proofing cabinets or any other electrical heating or holding device is prohibited. The process of Sous Vide, boiling, or frying of competition meat is not allowed.
- You may begin cooking at your designated campsite at the conclusion of the cooks’ meeting at 8pm on Friday. The preparation and completion, excluding pre-trimming, of any and all meats in the competition must be done within the confines of the contestant’s designated cook-off site.
- A contestant may cook in all categories but only one entry will be judged in each category.
- Splashway Campground will provide turn-in containers. A representative of your team must check-in and pick up the turn-in container from the Camp Store Friday evening or Saturday morning.
- Friday
- 7:30pm Head Cooks Meeting: Join us at the Hideaway Stage to go over the rules of the cook off during intermission of the live music. A head cook from each team must be present for rule clarification.
- Turn-In Times
- Saturday:
- Pinto Beans-1:00pm
- NO canned or pre-cooked beans are allowed. Must be cooked on-site.
- Electric cookers are not allowed.
- May not contain any ingredient larger than a bean.
- Entry is due by 1pm Saturday at The Hideaway stage.
- Half Chicken-1:00pm
- Must deliver for judging: ½ of a chicken (wing, breast, thigh & leg intact.)
- Entry is due by 1pm Saturday at The Hideaway stage.
- Sauce or glaze must be cooked onto the contest meat entry. No pooled sauce, side sauce, or liquids are permitted in the turn-in container.
- Pork Ribs- 2:00pm
- 7 individually cut bone-in ribs. Spare, St. Louis, or Baby Back pork ribs allowed.
- Entry is due by 2pm on Saturday at The Hideaway stage.
- Sauce or glaze must be cooked onto the contest meat entry. No pooled sauce, side sauce, or liquids are permitted in the turn-in container.
- BBQ Sauce- 3:00pm
- Entry is due by 3pm on Saturday at The Hideaway stage.
- Brisket- 5:00pm (due to popular request, we have moved the brisket competition back to Saturday)
- Must deliver 7 full slices, sliced approximately 1/4″ thick for judging.
- Entry is due by 5pm at The Hideaway stage.
- 0Sauce or glaze must be cooked onto the contest meat entry. No pooled sauce, side sauce or liquids are permitted in the turn-in container.
- Pinto Beans-1:00pm
Any food delivered after the official turn in time will not be accepted.
- Saturday:
- The BBQ Chairman reserves the right to make additional regulations as situations warrant. Anyone violating cook-off rules may be disqualified.
- Judging & Winner Selection
- Contest meat entries will be scored by five judges on the basis of:
- Sight and Texture
- Smell
- Tenderness
- Taste
- The top 3 winners of each category will be awarded trophies as well as $200, $150, and $100 Splashway gift cards to the respective places.
- Winners will be announced at The Hideaway stage at 7pm. Top 10 winners will be posted next to the stage after the awards are announced.
- Contest meat entries will be scored by five judges on the basis of:
- Team Spirit Awards: There will be (3) Team Spirit Awards given away for the teams showing the most team spirit in site decoration, uniform, and character. (Reminder: We are a family facility. Please make sure your team reflects that. Keep it CLEAN, folks!) The top 3 winners of the Team Spirit Awards will be awarded $75, $50, $30 Splashway gift cards to the respective places, as well as a yard sign for 1st place.